Integration of Agile Content CDN Director and Agama video insights enhances streaming quality at Telenor Sweden

Empowering operators with real-time content delivery optimization, improved video quality, and reliable end-to-end service visibility

Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 10th, 2024Agama, the specialist in video observability & analytics for service quality and customer experience, and Agile Content, leader in video delivery solutions, today announced the pre-integration of Agile Content’s intelligent CDN Director solution with the Agama Video Observability and Analytics platform for enhanced streaming quality.

This integration boosts the decision-making of the CDN Routing with video observability insights, enabling proactive and automated decision on managing capacity, stream availability or network quality issues, all aimed to improve the end-user experience. The solution has demonstrated its value in real-world environments, and it has already been successfully deployed with Telenor Sweden, a joint customer.

Both companies are set to spotlight the new integrations at IBC 2024, taking place on September 13-16th in Amsterdam (Agama booth 1.B53, Agile Content booth 5.D74). On Friday, September 13th, 2024, at 17:00, Marielle Lind from Telenor Sweden will be at Agama’s booth (1.B53) to present a real success story about enhanced CDN routing based on video insights.

Agile Content’s CDN Director offers a flexible, multi-CDN management system that can seamlessly integrate with any private and/or public CDN or caching solution. It dynamically routes traffic based on real-time conditions, ensuring that content is delivered with optimal speed and reliability, regardless of the underlying infrastructure. This adaptability allows businesses to manage their content delivery networks efficiently, with the freedom to choose the best combination of CDN providers.

“The integration of the Agile Content CDN Director with Agama video insights allows us to work proactively to improve our streaming delivery as well as optimizing how we use our CDNs.” says Marielle Lind, Telenor Sweden’s Technical Architect for TV back-end systems at Telenor Sweden. “As a leading video provider in Sweden, providing excellent user experiences is our priority and this integration is a key step to ensure our customers get the quality of experience they expect”.

Together, Agile Content’s CDN Director and Agama Observability solutions offer a powerful, adaptable, and proactive approach to content delivery. This integrated solution not only maximizes the efficiency of CDN resources but also ensures that the audience enjoys a consistently high-quality experience, no matter where they are or what device they are using.

“The Agile Content CDN Director, apart from being agnostic to the caching layer, is uniquely flexible and can optimize video data routing on numerous customer-defined business policies. We are excited to collaborate with Telenor Sweden and Agama on integrating user analytics to pro-actively route signals”, says Jens Forum-Jensen, Head of Partner Management, Agile Content. “We are enthusiastic about our partnership with Agama and how our joint solution can further improve user QoE”.

“We are delighted to work together with Telenor Sweden and Agile Content to enhance viewer experiences by combining CDN routing with insights from our video observability platform”, says Johan Görsjö, Product and Engineering Director at Agama.  “We look forward to deploying the integration at more customers worldwide”. 

With the ability to cover video playout, CDN, network delivery and every customer interaction, Agama offers a unique solution to provide insights to stakeholders and to integrate with eco-system partners such as Agile Content CDN Director.

To book a meeting with Agama specialists during IBC 2024, click here.